I think it’s imperative for customer representatives or sales agents who transact business over the phone to be courteous. For someone who wants an explanation of an unknown increase in his monthly bill, the most you can do is assure the client that things will be looked through and acted upon the instance the complaint is placed.
You do not fight fire with fire. If a client is irked or furious, you, of all people, must remain your cool. A client is not dense or naïve to not notice the increase in the pitch of your voice, or the voluntary and unnecessary sounds you make during the duration of the call. I can personally sense if you’re being a pain in my arse. And if you’re lucky, this irate client can give you the time of his day, or worse, a piece of his mind.
It’s also a waste of a client’s time and effort to be CONTINUALLY asked to dial another number as you cannot attend to his concern. When you tell a client that he will be put on hold for the next one to two minutes so that you can look into his account, PLEASE be considerate enough to not extend it to twenty minutes or almost an hour. It’s a long wait with an irritating music on the background. And when a client’s call is cut, you should be smart enough to return the call (because you obviously have his area code and number) as he deserves that and to call and explain ALL OVER AGAIN the entire matter to another representative is DUMB and a waste of his saliva.
You are being paid to make sure the client is satisfied with the services and products your company offers. A fraction of every client’s monthly bill goes to your salary. With these said, it’s only proper that you show courteousness to every client placing a call.
P.S. It also wouldn’t hurt that you smile before picking up the phone. It’s a lot different for when you don’t.
P.P.S. Weren’t you told that you do not directly breathe into the receiver? I can actually count the number of breaths you have in a one-minute cycle.