When we have a confidante, the weight we carry seems lighter and the world we live in is brighter. Tonight, I just had a long talk with my Mama-- my friend and confidante. There are a number of questions in my mind that I would like to be answered. My mother knows these questions without me telling. I think that's just the kind of friend everyone needs.
I stare at the computer, at loss for words. There are lots of things, mostly bothersome, going through my mind. I don't even know how to categorize every single one. It's tiring to be always on a lookout for answers or solutions. I wouldn't even want to give myself that kind of stress. After graduation, the future was bleak. I didn't know what to do. Every opportunity I had at practicing my profession was shunned. I couldn't make up my mind. And during all these times, my mother was there to help me out. She wanted to help by letting me understand that, eventually, I will have to do it myself. Her presence was not domineering. If any, it was all but imposing. She helped and she chose to do it subtly.
After two years, I don't claim knowing the answers. It would take time. But, I would like to think I've got some issues settled and most plans mapped out. Things are sure looking clearer. Mama said: "The world is big and the chances for advancement coming your way are there for you to own, experience, and celebrate." I will venture in the hopes of being able to grow personally and professionally. I have dreams and I will definitely go after them. There is no stopping me. :)
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