My spare time is very precious. I make sure I enjoy it and use it to the fullest, or not (at times). We have a choice to use our time doing productive or meaningful activities, and we also have the option to do nothing but rest or sleep. I don't have the huge responsibility of raising a child, which means I have so much time compared to those busy mothers I know. So, how do I spend it?
ö Take a walk- It's imperative that I do this at least twice or thrice a week during this cold season. It's easy to give in and just stay home, but I've been sitting the entire time at work and I would love to see some sun. It's a good way to stretch my legs and a cheap alternative to a healthy lifestyle.
ö A clean home is a happy home- Nothing rings truer than this. Having a clean home does wonders for my psyche. I pride in the fact that I have a neat and organized home. I make sure I vacuum and dust furniture at least twice a week. I want my home to be a comfortable zone where I can rest and recharge for the following week.
ö Read a good book, or any book- This is certainly one of the easiest, most productive things I do in my spare time. It's always a win-win situation with books. You learn something and at the same time you're also enjoying. And oh may I suggest Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains Echoed. If you like light and hilarious read, there's Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series.
ö Spend silent moments- Ever since my mother passed away, I spend silent moments conversing with God about her, or conversing to her directly. I tell them about my day, the highs and lows. Sometimes I cry because I just really miss her. I always thank God for the time I've had with her. I thank the Lord for my life and His infinite goodness and mercy.
ö Gardening and repotting- People should experience horticulture heaven at least once in their life. I am glad I was able to convert my youngest sister and some of my friends here in Montreal. I know it's tiresome to care for a living organism, but start small and easy. There are a handful of beginner plants like pothos and philodendrons that you will find easy to care for. Just remember the basic rules for plant survival: enough sun, water, and TLC.
ö Spend time with friends and family- They keep us sane and grounded in this otherwise busy rat race of life. I always remind myself that although money makes the world go round, it shouldn't be my top priority. Sure there are bills to pay but making memories with my nearest and dearest is more important. :)
ö Get off social media- There's something about social media that makes people believe they have to have a huge following and x amount of likes to feel validated. It's a scary path to tread because it prevents us from having real human interaction. We have to cultivate deep and meaningful relationship with the people around us, and unfortunately that becomes a difficult task when we're too engrossed with social media. I don't have a Facebook account and I just recently stopped using my Instagram account. I am very pleased with my decision. Let's never forget to take some time out and detach from the addicting world of social media.
I would love to add more but I am writing from my work PC and I must get back to twerking, este working. Happy weekend wherever in the world you may be. ♥
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