Monday, March 24, 2014

I've never been a parent myself. I'm so far down that road, but it doesn't take a genius to know that not everyone can be a parent-- a mother or a father. There are those who are forced to be one at an early age because of an unlikely event, and there are also some who become one because of fate.
When I saw What Maisie Knew I thought it was just another movie, nothing really extraordinary about it until you're midway through the movie and you realize that a child with irresponsible parents will eventually lead her to a doomed future. It will lead you to question why so many people raise a child without any concern about his/her welfare. It's scary because we see more of that happening in today's world. When we cuss in front of a child or smoke or shout at one another, we give him/her an idea that it's totally normal or part of the routine. And that's just wrong in so many levels. It's extremely heartbreaking to see that as a palpable reality.
I say we be mindful of the huge responsibilities we are tasked with in caring, rearing, and loving a child. Just because you are the biological mother or father, it doesn't give you any right to treat a child however you want to. You do not treat them like a waste or a burden. It's not right and will never be right.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Today, I choose to love myself first before others. I choose to free myself from that kind of love that feeds from others. I choose to remind myself that I don't need any validation of whatever sort from others to make me feel good. I am my own woman, so I open my eyes and look away from that blinding light that has clouded my vision.
Today and always, I am seeing and will see clearly and beyond all things crippling, selfish, and certainly unnecessary.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thought You Should Know... :)

I trust we all have that one high school sweetheart, love, or crush that we'll always have a fondness for. Despite the present partner we are currently with, we smile at that time we went giddy and overly ecstatic over that person.
Looking back, I know I have fallen hard for him. I tell myself it was high school and we are all entitled to having someone we look forward to seeing everyday for the rest of the school years. He has been in and out of my consciousness. He has never, for the longest time, been in my dreams until very recently. I woke up with this weird, uncomfortable feeling. But, I could not deny the smile plastered all over my face. The dream brought back so many wonderful memories of yesteryear. :) Then again, it is a thing in the past. :)