Saturday, December 15, 2012


I really don't know where I stand in the very controversial RH Bill. While in mass a while ago, the priest said people cannot be indecisive. It is either I'm with it or against it. It's really hard, especially because the second reading has already been passed. One more and it's over; the majority has spoken.
What I am pretty sure is that I just want a better life for me and my fellow Filipinos. If there are parents with eight, nine, or more children, with blue-collar jobs and living in the slums, HOW ELSE WILL THEY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE FOOD AND EDUCATION FOR ALL THEIR CHILDREN? That is always the biggest question. And there is also a solution to that, I know. Family planning may count as one. It is very hypocrite then for others to say that it doesn't solve anything. But to say that it is the number one and most effective way is also very shady when there's good governance, increase in employment and wages, or better access to health care and education for all citizens, especially the youth. I wish those with power would realize that. It gets really depressing to see them decide on something where there are more vital issues to focus on, but I am also not saying it is of any less importance.
When you live in a country like mine, national issue like this becomes extra personal for most. They shove their beliefs upon every person's throat they meet, as if their opinions are the only thing that matter. When you express your thoughts, they disregard them and start to babble about their own. It's crazy!
Your thoughts?

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