Monday, August 15, 2011

Sixty-second: Humble Yourself Before Him

Today, the priest gave a very sincere and heartwarming homily. I'm happy I chose to hear mass at St. Joseph's, one of the local parish churches in the city.
Jesus humbled Himself among the crowd when He heard the woman's plea. During His time, the Jews, knowing they were the chosen ones, were very boastful. Then, a woman, who's of other race, asked Jesus for help. He did not ridicule her when He put her on the spot but to continually humble her and the people around (because being the chosen ones doesn't mean salvation is doomed for the others). The woman remained ever steadfast to her faith that Jesus will look upon her with mercy. He did and in so doing, she humbled Him too.
Jesus, being the Son of God, has been humble many many times. It's amazing to know that He does that on several occasions, especially when the call to act the opposite is strong.
I am truly moved by the words of the priest. There are times that I give in to the will of my body-- to go against Jesus' teachings. I may not do it on a regular basis but I know it hurts Him twice as much when I do it. When my prayers are not answered for reasons God knows best, I try to question Him. :( I know it's wrong so I pray for a stronger faith, like that of the woman, discernment and humility. I slowly develop in me the habit to continually hold onto my faith because that's the only thing that will keep me going. I shall humble myself before Him no matter the adversaries. God is good all the time, that's a fact that has and will stand the tests of times.
"Because You will it, it is best. Because You will it, we are blest."

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