Friday, February 11, 2011

Seven: Without worry.

Days like this, I roll over my bed after a two-hour-or-so afternoon sleep and think how blessed I am for such rare occurrences. Since Monday this week, I've never had the chance to sleep, play with my nephew, watch DVD series, browse the web, and laze around as often and as much as I'd like to. Yesterday and today are exceptions for reasons I do not wish to know. One of the premier hospitals in the region (and nation, if I may rightfully conclude) just hired me as its staff nurse. Of course, responsibilities come with the title. It also means less time for stuff I used to do without worry of time restriction.

I try to comfort myself that everything will work out just fine, for as long as I hold onto the passion that will keep me moving forward. Being a nurse is not the most amusing job, but it comes so close to the line of SELF-FULFILLMENT. It takes a lot of patience, dedication, and strong-will. You have to be firm enough to not cave in into the pressure of settling for complacency and worse, quitting. I tend to be complacent to the things I do especially when laziness gets the better off me. That's something I'm not proud of but I always fight the urge to be one. It may take time but I will get there and it's sure as hell not going to cost me my job. 

In line with my job, I also don't get why a number of people could be so apathetic or indifferent towards the plight of others. They, if not all, are usually the ones who deal with lives or people. How could a fellow nurse just stand there pretending deaf to the calls of woe of a patient? How could a doctor not lower his fees a notch for a patient who has basically nothing? How could a non-organization worker pocket the money reserved for marginal recipients? All these things and a whole lot others seriously bother me. I am not saying I am not guilty of this CRIME (Yes, it's a crime. How else do you classify this?!). Yet I'd like to thing I was rather than I am. With every single minute that passes by, I fight the urge to be one. I am so much blessed with more and too hoard it all to myself is pure selfishness and disgust.         

To make things light, I look forward to a lot of things, especially this weekend. And even if hospital orientation takes the biggest bulk of my time, that's something I'm grateful for. So hello to dinner with great college friends. :)

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