Monday, July 9, 2012

Cute! :">

So I woke up understandably late because I came home from a night duty. I was exhausted and you can say that again! I turned on the TV because I had to force myself to stay awake, and not sleep in again, because I want to have another good night's sleep later. *wink wink*
New Girl, starring Zoey Deschanel, was showing. This is a super feel-good show because it's cute like that, without even trying, huh! The episode I was watching was so nice. So Jess was having a hard time trying to come up with ways to tell a guy (without hurting him) that she's into him, and that their sex was great, but she won't take it to the next level-- read: relationship. And what better way to break it to him on a Christmas Eve! So blah blah blah, to cut the story short, the other guy was hurt. She felt she was the meanest person alive. And here comes her friends to comfort her. To make her feel a little better, Nick, her guy friend/roommate,  along with some others, decided to miss his flight and drove her around a small village. They wanted her to see all Christmas decorations garbed in colorful lights because that was her favorite. What a wonderful support system! *awww* :)

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